Essence of Being - therapy illustration
Dobrodošli v svetu, kjer se mistično sreča z umetniškim, in doživite potovanje, ki presega običajne meje ustvarjanja. Moje delo združuje edinstveno sposobnost povezovanja z vodniki in bitji iz drugih dimenzij, s čimer ustvarjam ne le vizualno očarljive, ampak tudi globoko duhovne ilustracije. Vsaka ilustracija je skrbno prilagojena in odraža vašo dušno esenco, služi kot most med vidnim in nevidnim ter med materialnim in eteričnim svetom.
Začnemo lahko z 20-minutnim brezplačnim pogovorom preko Zooma, kjer se bomo pogovorili o vaših željah in podrobnostih vaše personalizirane ilustracije. Ta pristop omogoča, da se bolje spoznamo in da lahko v celoti ujamem esenco vaše duše v umetniško delo.
Vsaka ilustracija je prilagojena potovanje, ki vas vodi v globine vaše biti, prepleteno s kodami in simboli, namenjenimi odklepanju skritih kotičkov vaše duše. Proces ustvarjanja začnem z meditacijo in komunikacijo z vašim višjim jazom in duhovnimi vodniki, kar mi omogoča prenos vpogledov in energij v likovni jezik. Vsak element ilustracije nosi posebno sporočilo in je zasnovan za podporo vaši osebni ter duhovni rasti.
Po prejemu vaše ilustracije boste imeli priložnost za 40-minutni brezplačni Q&A klic, 14 dni po dostavi, kjer lahko razjasnimo vse podrobnosti in simbole na vaši ilustraciji ter odgovorim na morebitna vprašanja. To vam omogoča globlje razumevanje vaše umetnine in kako se lahko povežete z njo na vaši duhovni poti.
Za izdelavo personalizirane ilustracije potrebujem od 7 do 14 dni, odvisno od energijske podpore in trenutnega števila naročil. Končni izdelek vključuje visokoresolucijske JPG in PNG datoteke, primerne za tisk, ter PDF z opisom ilustracije in simbolov. Vsi prejemniki mojih umetnin prejmejo tudi certifikat o verodostojnosti, ki zagotavlja, da delo ni bilo ustvarjeno z umetno inteligenco, ampak je plod pristne umetniške in duhovne prakse.
Cena 1200 evrov odraža intenzivnost in edinstvenost procesa ter dejstvo, da je vsako delo popolnoma prilagojeno in vključuje globoko duhovno in energetsko delo. Ta investicija ni zgolj v umetniško delo, temveč v vašo osebno rast in duhovno pot. Razumem, da je to pomembna odločitev, zato sem tukaj, da vam s pogovorom in podporo pomagam skozi ta proces.
Izdelek je v digitalni obliki in se ne pošilja v fizični obliki.
DDV je vključen v ceno.
Welcome to a world where the mystical meets the artistic, inviting you on a journey that transcends the ordinary boundaries of creation. My work combines a unique ability to connect with guides and beings from other dimensions, creating not just visually enchanting but also deeply spiritual illustrations. Each illustration is meticulously tailored to reflect your soul's essence, serving as a bridge between the visible and the invisible, the material and the ethereal.
We can begin with a 20-minute complimentary Zoom conversation, where we'll discuss your desires and the details of your personalized illustration. This approach allows us to get to know each other better and enables me to fully capture the essence of your soul in the artwork.
Each illustration is a customized journey that leads you into the depths of your being, interwoven with codes and symbols designed to unlock hidden corners of your soul. The creation process starts with meditation and communication with your higher self and spiritual guides, allowing me to transfer insights and energies into a visual language. Every element of the illustration carries a specific message and is designed to support your personal and spiritual growth.
After receiving your illustration, you will have the opportunity for a 40-minute complimentary Q&A call, 14 days after delivery, where we can clarify all details and symbols in your illustration and answer any questions. This allows for a deeper understanding of your artwork and how you can connect with it on your spiritual journey.
Creating your personalized illustration requires 7 to 14 days, depending on the energy support and the current volume of orders. The final product includes high-resolution JPG and PNG files suitable for printing, and a PDF with a description of the illustration and its symbols. All recipients of my artwork also receive a certificate of authenticity, ensuring that the work was not created by artificial intelligence, but is the result of genuine artistic and spiritual practice.
The price of 1200 euros reflects the intensity and uniqueness of the process and the fact that each work is completely customized, including deep spiritual and energetic work. This investment is not just in an art piece but in your personal growth and spiritual journey. I understand that this is an important decision, so I am here to help guide you through this process with conversation and support.
This product is in digital form and is not shipped in physical form.
VAT is included in the price.